North Wiltshire Branch of MMOC

North Wilts Branch of the MMOC

About our Branch

The North Wiltshire Branch of the Morris Minor Owners’ Club was formed in 1981 to provide a social focus for Minor owners, and contribute to the preservation and use of their cars.

As you will see on this website, we arrange runs, rallies, charitable fundraising, meals, quizzes and Zoom events.

We are able to offer technical advice, and help with sourcing parts.

New members are very welcome, regardless of age, experience ... or the condition of their Minor! Indeed, if you are thinking of buying a Minor, joining the Branch can help you in your quest.

Committee People

Chair: Sarah Bracher 01793 812295

Deputy Chairman: Steve Chater

Secretary: Gill Waters 01793 813309

Treasurer: Pam Holmes 01285 810524

Regalia: Ashley Alexander 07434 221377

- Please click
here for details on clothing and regalia.

Committee Members

Ashley Holmes - Website
Martin Howard
Peter Watts
Ashley Alexander - Media contact


Morris Minor Parts and Services

If you are looking for parts, advice or any other information about Morris Minors you may find what you are looking for on one, or more, of the websites listed on our
LINKS page. All of the organisations/companies listed have been used by at least one of our members without complaint!
